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AES Munich 2009 Audio Product Design Event W1 Thursday, May 7, 09:00 — 11:00
W1 - Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics
Chair: Sylvain Choisel, Philips Consumer Lifestyle - Leuven, Belgium Panelists: Thomas Sporer, Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany Florian Wickelmaier, University of Tübingen - Tübingen, Germany
Abstract: Listening tests have become an important part of the development of audio systems (CODECS, loudspeakers, etc.). Unfortunately, even the simplest statistics (mean and standard deviation) are often misused.
This workshop will start with a basic introduction to statistics, but room will be given to discuss the pertinence of some commonly-used tests, and alternative methods will be proposed, thereby making it interesting for more experienced statisticians as well. The following topics will be covered (among others): experimental design, distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, analysis of paired comparisons and ranking data, and common pitfalls potentially leading to wrong conclusions.