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AES Amsterdam 2008
Special Event

Sunday, May 18, 10:00 — 17:00

Diemer de Vries, Delft University of Technology - Delft, The Netherlands

In 1988, Guus Berkhout published his paper “A Holographic Approach to Acoustic Control” [J. Audio Eng. Soc. 36, pp. 977 - 995] where he introduced Wave Field Synthesis as a new concept for sound reproduction without “sweet spot” limitations. Now, 20 years later, WFS is recognized as a favorite technique for spatial sound reproduction with a high potential of applications. Research is done at many institutes to match the perception of critical listeners with the technical state-of-the-art. The production of content dedicated to WFS performance is slowly but steadily increasing.

In this special event, “20 Years WFS,” a series of examples of such content will be demonstrated. Old friends that took part in the development of WFS from the beginning as well as later converts will cooperate in a program where traditional and electronic music, acoustic landscapes, and movie fragments illustrate the possibilities of Wave Field Synthesis. The demos are realized with the portable WFS system of the organization for spatial rendering of electronic music “The Game of Life.”

Moreover, this special event will be a platform where people can discuss past, present, and—most important—the future of Wave Field Synthesis.

Last Updated: 20080613, tendeloo