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P24 - Audio-Video Systems

Tuesday, May 8, 13:30 — 15:00

Chair: Gregor Widholm, Musikuniversität Wien - Austria

P24-1 Production and Live Transmission of 22.2 Multichannel Sound with Ultra-High Definition TVToshiyuki Nishiguchi, Yasushige Nakayama, Reiko Okumura, Takehiro Sugimoto, Atsushi Imai, Masakazu Iwaki, Kimio Hamasaki, Akio Ando, NHK Science & Technical Research Laboratories - Tokyo, Japan; Shoji Kitajima, Yutaka Otsuka, Satoko Shimaoka, NHK Broadcast Engineering Department - Tokyo, Japan
A 22.2 multichannel sound system was developed for ultra-high definition TV. The improvement in the spatial quality created by this system as compared to that of two-dimensional sound was evaluated and reported in previous papers. The first experiment on large-scale live production and transmission of 22.2 multichannel sound with ultra-high definition video was carried out to show the possible application of this system to next-generation broadcasting. In Tokyo, 22.2 multichannel sound was live mixed and transmitted to Osaka using an IP optical network. This paper describes in detail this live production and its transmission using the 22.2 multichannel sound system. It also discusses various issues of sound design, capturing, and mixing for three-dimensional sound.
Convention Paper 7137 (Purchase now)

P24-2 Automated Audio Detection, Segmentation, and Indexing with Application to Postproduction EditingCharalampos Dimoulas, Christos Vegiris, Kostantinos Avdelidis, George Kalliris, George Papanikolaou, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Thessaloniki, Greece
The current paper deals with audio event detection, segmentation, and characterization in order to be further utilized in postproduction. Browsing, selection, and characterization of audio-visual content is a tiresome task, especially in audio/video editing applications, where an enormous amount of recordings with different characteristics is usually involved. Automated detection, segmentation, and general audio classification are essential to deploy flexible and effective audio-visual content management. A multi-resolution scanning procedure, based mainly in wavelet processing, is currently proposed, where various energy-based comparators and signal-complexity metrics have been tested for detection purposes. A variety of audio features, including many MPEG-7 audio low level descriptors, have been considered for events’ characterization and indexing purposes. Extraction of the detection/characterization results via MPEG-7 description schemes or similar indexing files are considered.
Convention Paper 7138 (Purchase now)

P24-3 A New Method for Measuring Time Code QualityMichael Beckinger, René Rodigast, Florian Müller-Kähler, Fraunhofer Institut IDMT - Ilmenau, Germany
A high-quality time code and word clock synchronization is essential to prevent audio drop outs and flutters in sound studios. A bad adjustment of time code generators, respectively word clock synchronizers, requires extensive error checks in synchronization networks. For this reason, a new measurement method is presented that enables sound engineers to measure longitudinal time code jitter and to check time code/word clock synchronization.
Convention Paper 7139 (Purchase now)