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P2 - Audio Recording and Reproduction

Saturday, May 5, 09:30 — 10:30

Chair: Nadja Wallaszkovits, Austrian Academy of Sciences - Vienna, Austria

P2-1 Recording of Acoustical Concerts Using a Soundfield MicrophoneMarkus Schellstede, Sunhoe Pro Audio - Bern, Swtizerland; Christof Faller, Illusonic LLC - Chavannes, Switzerland
Based on extensive practical experience of one of the authors, recording of acoustical concerts, using a soundfield microphone, without spot or support microphones is discussed. The focus is stereo recording of classical music. Strategies for positioning of the microphone, B-Format decoding, and mastering are presented. The so-obtained final mix is largely based on the natural mix of sound reaching the microphone. This is in contrast to more conventional recording techniques that usually use a large number of spot and support microphones. Last but not least, limitations and cost considerations are discussed.
Convention Paper 6996 (Purchase now)

P2-2 Ambience Sound Recording Utilizing Dual MS (Mid-Side) Microphone Systems Based upon Frequency Dependent Spatial Cross Correlation (FSCC)Teruo Muraoka, Takahiro Miura, Tohru Ifukube, University of Tokyo - Tokyo, Japan
In musical sound recording for CD production or broadcasting, a forest of microphones is commonly observed. They are for good sound localization and favorable ambience, however it is desirable to make the forest sparse for less laborious setting up and mixing. Previously, the authors examined ambience representation of stereophonic microphone arrangements utilizing frequency dependent spatial cross correlation (FSCC). FSCC is defined as a cross correlation of outputs by two microphones that of MS microphone system is most favorable. Based upon the result, we devised a combination of two MS microphone systems, one for picking up stage sounds and the other for ambience representation. In addition to minor stage microphones, the authors achieved satisfactory musical recording.
Convention Paper 6997 (Purchase now)