Last Updated: 20050926, wtm
Monday, October 10, 3:00 pm — 6:00 pm
W15 - Academia Meets the Industry: The Future of Audio and Music Research
Co-chairs: John Strawn, S Systems Incorporated - Larkspur, CA, USA Xavier Amatriain, Create, USA Nicola Bernardini, Firenze Tecnologia , Italy Panelists: Karlheinz Brandenburg, Fraunhofer AEMT, Germany Peter Eastty, SONY Pro Audio, UK Nick Zacharov, Nokia Technology Platforms, Finland Morton Lave, TC Electronics, Canada Rob Maher, Montana State University, USA William L. Martens, McGill University, Canada Karsten Nielsen, Bang & Olufsen, Denmark
Abstract: This workshop will discuss the future of audio research and the way that research institutions can approach industrial needs. It also aims at strengthening the communication channels between these two communities. During the convention, different companies will be approached with a questionnaire in order to understand how they see the future of the audio industry and what research topics they consider most interesting. The results of this survey, and a similar survey from the 118th convention in Barcelona, will be made public at the workshop. The workshop will be organized as a discussion around these results including the opinion of relevant members of both the industry and the research institutions on the panel as well as the participation of the audience.
The AES is grateful to S2S² for funding Nicola Bernardini's and Xavier Amatriain's participation, and for supporting Damien Cirotteau (Firenze Tecnologia). S2S² is a research project funded by the European Commission to investigate state-of-the-art research in sound together with humanities, technological research, and neuropsychological sciences.