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AES New York 2005
Live Sound Seminar Details

Friday, October 7, 9:00 am — 11:00 am

L1 - Broadway Designers’ Symposium: The Musical

Abe Jacob
Acme Sound Partners
Jon Weston
Tom Morse
Richard Fitzgerald

A panel of Broadway musical designers will discuss the unique challenges of staging a musical on a large scale with the elite of musical theater directors, writers, designers, stars, etc., in the heart of New York City.

Friday, October 7, 1:30 pm — 4:30 pm

L2 - Wireless Microphones and Performers: Mic Placement and Handling for Multiple Actors

Brien Brannigan
John Cooper
Mary McGregor

Broadway designers, assistant designers, and deck audio personnel will talk about the best positioning for a wide variety of situations, costumes, periods, acoustics, actors, directors, etc. Microphone placement is a visual as well as auditory priority and can make or break sound quality. In addition to these technical requirements, the handling of performers adds additional challenge to this position.

Friday, October 7, 4:30 pm — 6:30 pm

L3 - Sound Design for Drama—Soundscape/Soundscore

Scott Lehrer
Dan Moses Schreier
Mark Bennett
Janet Kalas

This panel of designers will address the relationship between music and drama, from how they get their initial inspiration about the music for a piece to working with the writer(s) and director to capture the intent of the work and enhance the final production values.

Saturday, October 8, 10:00 am — 12:00 pm

L4 - System Tuning

Sam Berkow
Ted Leamy
Bob McCarthy
Don Pierson
Steve Sockey

Sound designers, manufacturer’s representatives, and system technicians will discuss the methods they have found to best tune the varied venues in which they find themselves.

Saturday, October 8, 12:30 pm — 3:30 pm

L5 - Wireless Management in Stressful Environments: Broadway/Times Square—Live and Televised Events with Multiple Channels of RF and RF Intercom

James Stoffo
Gary Stocker
Henry Cohen

With the rise of Digital TV broadcasting in nearly every city, finding RF frequencies that are consistently clear gets more challenging every month. These RF professionals will discuss ways to overcome the ever-changing RF environment.

Saturday, October 8, 4:00 pm — 6:00 pm

L6 - Intercom and Large Scale Events—Olympics/Superbowl—Stadiums

Larry Estrin
Mac Kerr
Henry Cohen
Steve Mendelsohn

Intercom is often taken for granted, while being absolutely crucial to the safety and smooth operation of large scale life events. Several experts in the field who have worked all over the world on large scale events will get together and discuss the means they’ve found to meet those challenges.

Sunday, October 9, 10:00 am — 12:00 pm

L7 - Industrial Strength Audio—Corporate Theater and Its Peculiarities

Mary Falardeau
Lee Kalish
Mac Kerr
Mike Walshe

Corporate theater presents a different set of stresses than other types of events. With almost no setup or rehearsal time, the executives involved are often unfamiliar with the equipment and the needs of the designers and crew. The presentations themselves are often crucial to the clients’ business, and these events often incorporate live entertainment. This combination of characteristics sets up unique environments in which to succeed in delivering flawless events.

Sunday, October 9, 12:30 pm — 2:30 pm

L8 - Playback

Dave Bullard
Stu Hannon
Fritz Lang

With the evolution of hard disk recording and playback software, the sound design of live and live-to-tape performances has grown to take advantage of these new capabilities. These playback specialists will talk about recording techniques and design integration of their work.

Sunday, October 9, 3:00 pm — 5:00 pm

L9 - PA for TV: Mixing for a Live Audience while Satisfying Production Demands

Chris Anderson
Daryl Bornstein
Ron Reaves

Audio for television focuses on the quality of sound that is recorded or broadcast. Many televised events are live and/or have a live audience. The FOH engineer has to balance what the live audience is hearing with the needs of the production to get a clean recording. These designers and engineers will talk about how they have achieved that balance.

Monday, October 10, 10:00 am — 1:00 pm

L10 - Touring Sound—Live Music in a Different Venue Every Night of the Week for Weeks or Months or Years at a Time

Chris Anderson
Dave Shadoan
Mark Weglinski (Wedge)

These engineers, production managers, and project managers will discuss what it takes to be ready for anything, in any city, at any hour, in any kind of venue.

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(C) 2005, Audio Engineering Society, Inc.