1. 124th AES Convention - Amsterdam
2. New LinkedIn Group
3. Audio Forensics Conference in Denver
124th AES Convention - Amsterdam
AES Amsterdam 2008 - New Horizons in Audio
Amsterdam, The Netherlands / May 17-20, 2008
The 124th AES Convention in Amsterdam starts this weekend! You can check
out the full AES Technical Program. We have
lots of exciting events for you to check out including a keynote by
Tammo Houtgast (the Godfather of STI) and you won't want to miss the
presentation by Geoff Emerick on the 40th anniversary of "Sgt. Pepper's
Lonely Hearts Club Band." Registration
has just been extended until this Friday so there's still time to get
discounted pricing. Amsterdam is very easy to reach by plane, train or
car and is a very popular city. We look forward to seeing you there.
New LinkedIn Group
One of the primary goals of the AES is to help bring our members together
at conventions and other smaller events such as conferences or section
meetings. However, there may be other times when you need to contact a
friend or colleague that you met in person but you no longer have their
current contact information. We've just created an official AES group on
a service called LinkedIn that can help with this issue. If you're
interested in joining please click here.
Audio Forensics Conference in Denver
33rd International AES Conference
Audio Forensics—Theory and Practice
Denver, CO, USA / June 5-7, 2008
The AES 33rd International Conference, Audio
Forensics—Theory and Practice, will be held June 5-7 in Denver,
Colorado, at the Sheraton Denver Hotel (formerly the Adam's Mark). This
is a follow-up conference to the very successful AES 26th Conference on
forensics which was also held in Denver in 2005. The 33rd will explore
the history, hardware, and techniques of forensic investigation of audio
materials. The field has gone through significant advances with the
advent of digital audio recording, signal processing, and
computer-assisted evaluation. The appropriate use of analog and digital
processes provides the contemporary audio engineer with powerful tools
for quality audio investigation in support of the law enforcement,
legal, archival, and restoration communities.
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