AES E-news: November 6, 2006 - 121st Convention Wrap-up, October Journal
1. AES San Francisco 2006 Wrap-up
2. October AES Journal available online
AES San Francisco 2006 Wrap-Up:
121st AES Convention Sees 8% Jump Over Previous SF Show
17,445 attendees and 420 exhibitors departed from San Francisco's
Moscone Center last month secure in the knowledge that they had
experienced one of the most successful AES Conventions in recent memory.
121st Convention Committee members had successfully mounted a four day
program designed to provide valuable insights into the full spectrum of
professional audio's continually expanding bandwidth. From a Robert
Scovill keynote address focused on Live Sound, The Heart and Soul of
Professional Audio to What's All This Analog Stuff Anyhow? a Sunday
afternoon Master Class presented by Electrical Engineering guru Robert
Pease, and Platinum Panels with some of the world's most successful
producers and engineers, the 121st AES Convention provided attendees
with the ultimate compilation of educational, historical and
cutting-edge technological options.
"One formatting innovation we've paid special attention to this year was
the introduction of a three-day Technology Expo," said AES Executive
Director Roger Furness. "By concentrating Exhibition Floor activity to
three days, exhibitors were able to take full advantage of Convention
educational and technical sessions. The final results of this experiment
are still being assessed, but initial response has been extremely
Convention Chair John Strawn adds that reports indicate more Standing
Room Only Workshop, Paper and Master Class sessions than previous shows.
He also points to a demographic breakdown which indicates an increase in
younger attendees, on the student and professional level. "The technical
sessions were packed throughout the entire show," he said. "This clearly
illustrates the content was highly relevant and fully appreciated."
"Exhibitors seemed very happy with the floor traffic, and many attribute
the high number of end-user attendees to the success of our 2nd
consecutive Retail Promotion Co-Sponsorship which doubled its number of
participants over last year," Furness adds. "San Francisco is clearly a
favored destination city. We booked a record 2000 hotel rooms for this
show. The up-tempo mood on the Exhibition Floor and in the Meeting Room
halls clearly reflects a strengthening of the industry's economic
position. We look forward to the 123rd Convention in NY's Javits Center
next October 5-8 with great anticipation," he concludes.
October AES Journal Is Available On-line Here
The issue includes:
* Tutorial: Symptoms of Loudspeaker Nonlinearities
* Papers and Engineering Report on:
Small Loudspeakers with High Efficiency
Enhancement of Self-Motion in Virtual Reality
Playing a Virtual Guitar
* Feature: Binaural Technology for Mobile Applications
* New Officers 2006/2007
* Review of Sustaining Members
* Call for Papers: 122nd Convention, Vienna
* Call for Papers: 31st Conference, London
* Call for Papers: 32nd Conference, Hillerød, Denmark
* AES Standards Committee News
* News of the Sections, Literature Review, etc.
(C) 2006, Audio Engineering Society, Inc.