
Program: Tutorial DT10

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  A women in white is wearing headphones and looking up. Text above her head says '2019 AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio. March 27-29, 2019. York, UK.


Tutorial DT10 - Austrian Multichannel Location Audio Workout


Florian Camerer


Surround Sound has come of age. The hype has passed and the new kid on the block is Immersive Audio or 3D Audio. This is not a new technology at all. The use of surround sound and immersive techniques to capture location audio is nevertheless a less explored realm, then and now. Although several approaches exist, few are based on solid psychoacoustic (stereophonic) or physical principles. In this talk, the evolution of the author's surround sound rig to the fully immersive Double-UFIX (a location audio microphone mount and windshield optimized for a 9.0 layout with 4 height speakers) will be presented. Furthermore, a selection of recordings will be played as well as a comparison of the original recording with an encoded-decoded version with different orders of Higher Order Ambisonics (HOA) to assess the necessary precision for excellent fidelity to use non-soundfield-based recordings in an Ambisonics production chain like Audio for Virtual Reality (VR).

AES - Audio Engineering Society