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Student MATLAB Plugin Competition Winner Interview - Sean Newell

Sean Newell stands with fellow winner Russell Scarborough and several Belmont University colleagues.

Sean Newell stands with fellow winner Russell Scarborough and several Belmont University colleagues.

1) Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from and what do you study?

My name is Sean Newell, originally from Miami, Florida, I moved to Nashville, Tennessee in 2016 to pursue a degree in Audio Engineering Technology. I quickly fell in love with the software and DSP side of audio, and thus, took a lot of computer science and signal processing classes.

2) What initiated your passion for audio? When did it start?

I have always loved music and always wanted to be a part of it. It began with me learning an instrument, and lead to me becoming interested in audio tech.

3) Tell us about the production of your submission. What is the story behind it? What inspired it? How long did you work on it? Was it your first entry?

I submitted a VST plugin for the MATLAB competition. I loved the process of creating it as I learned so much. It was inspired from a school assignment where I had to create a parallel distortion effect with two algorithms, each bringing out different harmonics. It took me about 1.5 months to complete. This was my first AES submission.

4) What/who made you join AES?

Many audio professors at Belmont lobby for AES memberships.

5) Tell us about your favorite experiences at the 147th AES convention in New York!

My favorite experience was during the plugin demo session where I got to show off something I made, and received great feedback for.

Posted: Monday, November 25, 2019

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