

SC-03-04 meeting, Vienna, 2007-05

Report of the meeting of SC-03-04 Working Group on Storage and Handling of Media of the SC-03 Subcommittee on the Preservation and Restoration of Audio Recording, held in Vienna, Austria, 2007-05-06

In the absence of WG chair T. Sheldon, the meeting was chaired by SC-03 vice-chair D. Schueller

The agenda, and the report of the previous meeting 2006-10-06, were accepted as written.

Open projects

AES-11id-R: Review of AES-11id-2006, AES Information document for Preservation of audio recordings - Extended term storage environment for multiple media archives
Project scope: This information document provides suggested guidelines for four extended-term storage environments for archives that contain a variety of recording media, based on the corresponding ISO storage standards for those media. Whenever possible, the storage environments in the ISO storage standards should be followed. This technical report does not replace these ISO storage standards. In addition to environment recommendations, those standards also include other vital information pertinent for the long-term keeping of recording materials such as inspection, housing, and handling guidelines.
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2006
Intent: Review, Target: 2011
Current goal: Status report, Goal date: Continuing
Status: AES-11id-2006 published 2007-02-19
Discussion: The document was considered valid and important

AES22-R: Review of AES22-1997 (r2003): AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration - Storage of polyester-based magnetic tape
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2003
Intent: Review, Target: 2008
Current goal: Status report, Goal date: Continuing
Status: No action requested or required
Discussion: The documents fails to explain how polyester tapes can be identified. It was recommended that reference should be made to another document how to distinguish the various tape supports, which, at the time, is not available. It was decided to include such reference whenever it becomes available.

AES28-R: Review of AES28-1997 (r2003): AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Method for estimating life expectancy of compact discs (CD-ROM), based on effects of temperature and relative humidity
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2003
Intent: Review, Target: 2008
Current goal: Status report, Goal date: Continuing
Status: No action requested or required
Discussion: A sceptical remark was made as to the usefulness of that standard which takes only two parameters, temperature and relative humidity, into account. A broader discussion including experts of optical disc stability should take place in the review of that standard in 2008.

AES35-R: Review of AES35-2000 (r2005): AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Method for estimating life expectancy of magneto-optical (M-O) discs, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity.
Project scope: This standard specifies test methods for estimating the storage life expectancy (LE) of information stored on rewritable and write once magneto-optical media. Only the effects of temperature and relative humidity (RH) are considered.
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2005
Intent: Review, Target: 2010
Current goal: Status report, Goal date: Continuing
Status: No action requested or required
Discussion: Apart from taking only temperature and relative humidity in account, the overall usefulness of this standard in the absence of any substantial use of M-O media was discussed. It may be either withdrawn or kept alive until it expires in 2010.

AES38-R: Review of AES38-2000 (r2005): AES standard for audio preservation and restoration - Life expectancy of information stored in recordable compact disc systems - Method for estimating, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity.
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2005
Intent: Withdraw, Target: 2010
Current goal: Status report, Goal date: 2007-07
Status: Propose to withdraw - document misleading in the light of current understanding of CD-R vulnerabilities
Discussion: It was stated that this test does not take into account dye stability and, even more important, the quality of the recording, which are predominant parameters in the life expectancy of recordable optical discs. After extensive discussion of recent understanding of recordable optical disc vulnerability, and in the light of recent literature, it was proposed rethink the usefulness of this standard and its possible withdrawal:
  • Kunej, Drago: Instability and Vulnerability of CD-R Carriers to Sunlight. In: Proceedings of the AES 20th International Conference Archiving Restoration, and New Methods of Archiving, Budapest, 5-7 October 2001, AES New York 2001, 18-25
  • Bradley, Kevin: Risks Associated with the Use of Recordable CDs and DVDs as Reliable Storage Media in Archival Collections - Strategies and Alternatives. UNESCO, Paris 2006
    web version: < >
  • IASA Technical Committee: Guidelines on the Production and Preservation of Digital Audio Objects, edited by Kevin Bradley. (= IASA Technical Committee - Standards, Recommended Practices and Strategies, IASA TC-04), 2004
AES49-R: Review of AES49-2005 Magnetic Tape - Care and handling practices for extended usage
Project scope: This standard concerns the care and handling of magnetic recording tape during use. It addresses the issues of physical integrity of the medium necessary to preserve access to the audio or other data (information) recorded on the tape. This standard recommends handling procedures to maximize the effective life of magnetic tape.
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2005
Intent: Review, Target: 2010
Current goal: Status report, Goal date: Continuing
Status: No action requested or required
Discussion: There was no comment on this document

Development projects

AES-X080: Liaison with AES/ i3a-WG5 Joint Technical Committee (JTC)
Project scope: to formalize the working relationship between AESSC SC-03 and International Imaging Industry Association (i3a) WG5 Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 1998, Intent: Liaison, Target: Continuing Current goal: Status report, Goal date: Continuing Status: No action required. Ted Sheldon represents liaison matters. Peter Adelstein is sec of i3a. Discussion: There was no comment on that issue

AES-X145: Care and Handling of Optical Discs
Project scope: This standard concerns the care and handling of digital optical discs during use. It addresses the issues of physical integrity of the medium necessary to preserve access to the recorded data (information). Included are recommendations for handling procedures to maximize the effective life of optical discs. This standard addresses the following subjects: a) use and handling environments, including pollutants, temperature and humidity, light exposure and magnetic fields; b) contamination concerns; c) inspection; d) cleaning and maintenance, including cleaning methods and frequency; e) transportation; f) disasters, including water, fire, construction and post-disaster procedures; g) staff training.
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2004-09-09, Intent: Standard, Target: 2007 Current goal: PCFC, Goal date: 2007-10 Status: Await output of JTC Montreal meeting, 2007-05, then reformat PWD
Discussion: After discussion, it was agreed to await JTC Montreal meeting 2007-05 outcome.

AES-X153: Care and handling of magnetic hard disc drives
Project scope: To establish care, handling, and storage standards for high capacity magnetic hard drives. The document will include life expectancy assessment, effects of temperature cycling, proper use of the mechanical drives holding the media.
Assigned to: SC-03-04, Initiated: 2004-11-19, Intent: Standard, Target: 2007 Current goal: PTD, Goal date: 2007-10 Status: Awaiting JTC draft
Discussion: It was agreed to await JTC Montreal meeting 2007-05 outcome.


There were no other liaison issues.

New Projects

No new projects were received or proposed.

New business

There was no new business.

The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the AES 123rd Convention in New York, NY., US, 2007-10.

AES - Audio Engineering Society