

Meeting of SC-04-01, 2004-10

Report of the SC-04-01 Working Group on Acoustics and Sound Source Modeling, of the SC-04 Subcommittee on Acoustics meeting, held in conjunction with the AES 117th Convention in San Francisco, USA, 2004-10-30

The meeting was convened by vice-chair W. Ahnert.

The agenda and the report of the previous meeting, 2004-05-10, were accepted as written.

Development projects

AES-X05 Room and Source Simulators: Specification and Evaluation of Computer Models for Design and Auralization; Recommendations for Transportable Input and Output Files
The chairman of the working group is asked to retire this task group finally. It was already in N.Y. 2003 decided that each room acoustic modelling program should be encouraged to export a text-based geometry file together with a clear explanation of its contents so that another program may optionally write an import routine. [Sec: this project has now been retired.]

AES-X083 Loudspeaker Polar Radiation Measurements Suitable for Room Acoustics
The latest draft, X83-PTD-041030.DOC was reviewed in detail.

A long discussion covered each point, item by item. All changes and corrections are added to the latest draft in yellow.

The meeting felt it was imperative that this Standard be completely compatible with AES2-R and the output document from AES-X072 (where work is continuing apace in SC-04-03). AES-X083 will be a subset of AES2 as pertains to room acoustic modelling programs. Examples of required compatibility are specifications for the data file structure, the definition of centre of rotation, and of the cabinet reference point.

This draft will be posted by B. Olson on the document site [as x83-ptd-041030b.doc] ready for approval and it will be discussed at the next meeting.

AES-X108 Measurement of the acoustical and electroacoustic characteristics of personal computers
No activity - the meeting recommended this project for retirement.

AES-X122 Loudspeaker Radiation and Acoustical Surface Data Measurements: How They Apply to Usage Environments
No activity - continue postponement until AES-X83 is complete.


This group should continue working closely with AES2-R [in SC-04-03] to be certain of compatibility.

New projects

There were no new projects

New business

There was no new business.

The next meeting is scheduled to be held in conjunction with the AES 118th Convention in Barcelona, Spain, 2005-05.

AES - Audio Engineering Society