

AES Standards News Blog

New AES Standards Webinar Series will showcase standards under development

The AES Standards Committee is launching a webinar series to highlight the various standards under development.  Each webinar will focus on the efforts of an individual Working Group or Task Group.  The presentations will cover the current activity of the group, the origins of the project, the current state of development and the expectations for the completed document.  When possible, presentations will include demonstrations of the technology involved.

These webinars will not assume a high level of familiarity with the technical topic being presented and so will be suitable for a wide audience.  Whether you work in the field and want to understand the emerging standard, you want to keep abreast of cutting edge developments in the audio industry, or you are merely curious about new things, this series should not be missed.
The webinars will occur approximately every two months and are free to AES members of all grades.  Nonmembers can access streaming video of the presentation via the AES Youtube channel.
The first webinar will be at 16:00 GMT on March 29 and will feature Task Group SC-04-03-A which is developing a standard for measuring loudspeaker max SPL using noise under the project name AES-X250.  It will be presented by Task Group co-chairs Merlijn Van Veen and Roger Schwenke.  
For the second webinar in May, Nicolas Sturmel will present the work of SC-02-12-M which is developing a standard for operating AES67 networked audio over wide area networks.

Posted: Tuesday, March 9, 2021

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