
AES Section Meeting Reports

University of Hartford - October 29, 2009

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On October 29, 2009, the University of Hartford AES student section held its third general meeting of the fall semester. Students were encouraged to attend the 19th annual Parson's Audio Expo in MA on November 3rd, and an overview of the event was presented. Announcements included the upcoming guest speaker Eric Arena of Zing studios, a Hartt school MPT graduate, and the postponement of IEEE's Solderfest workshop. Colin Pfund, Section Chair, relayed an invitation from the New England Institute of Art to a wax cylinder recording session in February in Boston. Hartt School officers Terence Deutsch and Vicky Rheault reported plans of bringing speaker Alex Case of UMass Lowell to Hartford in February. The meeting ended with a slide show of the NEIA's BADASS Audio Student Summit and the 127th AES Convention.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society