
AES Section Meeting Reports

Toronto - December 10, 2019

Meeting Topic:

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Other business or activities at the meeting:

Meeting Location:


Dave Petican was introduced and he outlined the evening's events.

Pascal Castonguay lead his presentation with a video about Bose' background. Bose' products extend into the military and health professions. The video also featured information about their noise cancellation technology. Dr. Bose originally planned to have a university. While that never materialized he had a plan B: the corporation was to handed over to MIT to do what they felt best. Bose' focus is on the customer, and is privately held.

At the conclusion of the video presentation Pascal extended the floor to Tony Christina and later Eric Warner.

Throughout the evening, the format for the various presentations was similar: an introduction of the technology/product line, some technical background and usage considerations, audio demonstrations, and a Q&A sessions.

Items covered included the Edgemax line; the Panaray line; Arenamatch DeltaQ Arrays and software tools.

During the final Q&A, the subject of Bose' amplifiers was brought up and discussed at length. Since Bose has many lines of products the presenters decided to focus on speakers for this evening.

At the close of the evening, one of the executive members - a live location recording engineer - remarked how this presentation had given him complete and positive changeover regarding his opinion of the Bose line and wished them much success.

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