
AES Section Meeting Reports

Swiss - December 4, 2008

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25 people gathered on this Thursday afternoon in the "Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie du Canton de Vaud" in Yverdon, in order to attend a meeting about new audio DSP technologies.
After a pleasant aperitif of welcome offered by the Professor Jacques Hufschmid, the latter started the presentations in describing the theory related to Digital Signal Processors used in the audio domain. He explained the advantages and disadvantages of various internal structures and data formats and introduced the new specialized DSP for the treatment of digital audio signals, with or without AD and DA converters. After describing some existing models, he showed us how to use them in a practical way to deal with audio streams in terms of hardware and software.
In a second time, two HEIG-VD students presented their practical diploma work, using DSP to process audio signals:Jérôme Kursner spook first about the way to create from a stereo source, a 5.1 configuration in a motor vehicle with an audio DSP. Daniel Castelo da Silva showed then how to implement MPEG1 audio using a DSP, complying with the norm ISO/CEI 11172.
The meeting ended with a brief presentation of the School of Engineering, the Audio Laboratory and the audio diploma works in progress. Then the attendees were invited to make some practical experiments in the School audio laboratory, including the use of DSP to process audio signals.
After the meeting, the majority of the attendees continued the discussions around a delicious dinner at a restaurant nearby.
The Swiss AES wishes to thank warmly the HEIG audio laboratory, as well as the Prof. Hufschmid and his students for their welcome and their kind collaboration in the meeting organisation.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society