
AES Section Meeting Reports

Portugal - March 25, 2017

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The Portuguese Section of the Audio Engineering Society (PSAES) held its 19th meeting on March 25, 2017 at FEUP, the Faculty of the Engineering of the University of Porto (Department of Electrical and Computers Engineering -DEEC). The organizing committee led by Diamantino Freitas (currently chair of the section assembly and professor) was also composed by Augusto Silva (currently the President of the section and professor at Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa — ESML), and Aníbal Ferreira (currently the secretary of the section assembly and also professor at FEUP-DEEC).
The meeting format consisted of an open program of submitted and invited communications, local technical visits and a final meeting with voting restricted to AES members.
The open program of communications included twelve 20-minute presentation slots equally distributed in the morning and afternoon. Many presentations reflected on-going or recently completed master student research. The topics included automatic music identification; sound insulation; voice quality assessment, forensic analysis and glottal reconstruction; classroom spatial acoustic design, head and torso acoustic simulation, and glottal pulse modeling; bassoon sound pickup; audio in clinical simulation, diagnosis and training; immersive audio guiding; and voice packet scheduling using Arduino. There were three more presentations; the first was a didactic one, addressing practical spectral estimation, the second was illustrative of a recently developed product for intelligent and distributed urban environmental continuous sound monitoring, the FI-SONIC, and the third was a prospective view of the potential of audio forensics in Portugal and the future of PSAES activities.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society