
AES Section Meeting Reports

Southern Florida - January 26, 2017

Meeting Topic:

Moderator Name:

Other business or activities at the meeting:

Meeting Location:


Motion Made by Rob Roy to reorganize the committee to better serve and build the chapter. The motion was seconded by Colby Leider and unanimously agreed.

Roberto Toledo indicated that he had the time and drive to lead the chapter in its efforts to build. Rob made a motion to step down as Co-Chair and made motion to elect Roberto as the new Chair for the chapter.
The motion was seconded and unanimously agreed by the committee.

The following members were elected to serve as the new committee for the Southern Florida AES:

New AES Committee:
Chair — Roberto Toledo
Vice Chair — Dave MacLaughlin
Treasurer — Dustin Breeden
Secretary — Cush Arrue
Member(s) at large - Rob Roy, Colby Leider, Abraham Oleksnianski & Angelo Carreta

Other topics discussed:
The Breakdown of South Florida AES Chapter by county:
New World Symphony — Dade
Broward - TBD
Golf of Palm Beach — Palm Beach County

Old Topics: None

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More About Southern Florida Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society