
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - September 26, 2016

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The Audio Engineering Society Argentina Section had once again the honor of participating at WorkShow 2016, a large event in the local world of professional audio and lighting, showcasing the latest in technologies of entertainment and organized by our colleagues of the Exosound Group. During this Exposition we were able to share our aims and objectives in AES Argentina, as well as our network with all other institutes and companies.
We would like to thank the University 'Nacional Tres de Febrero' and TASCAM Hear Audio-Technica with whom we shared the upper floor of the theater.
Vorterix Theatre was a great venue for the Exposition's technological display and the many lectures by renowned professionals such as Eduardo Bergallo, Adrian Taverna, Mark Donovan, Rodrigo Lavecchia and Nacho Elustondo among others. All of them delivered very eloquent workshops with high-level content.
AES Argentina would like to emphasize and thank Exosound's amiability from beginning to end of the event. We would also like to compliment Damasia Sananes and all the staff for their professionalism as well as their contribution to the industry both on a professional and on an educational level.
We look forward to joining them again at the next Workshow 2017.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society