
AES Section Meeting Reports

Argentina - September 17, 2016

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Other business or activities at the meeting:

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On 17th September 2016 The Audio Engineering Society Argentina took part in the "Conferences on Audio, Sound & Acoustics" organized by the Department of Sound Engineering of the University 'Nacional Tres de Febrero'.
The conferences started punctually at 2 pm with a presentation by Hernan Rannuci focusing on the technical progress in digital audio transportation and its applications in installations and events. This was followed by speaker Ezequiel Morfi on his presentation on the advantages brought by 64-bit processing and oversampling in mixing and mastering plug-ins. Moving on, ExoSound member Mariano Pichot gave a seminar about RF transmission and the advantages of digital over analogue systems. After a brief recess, AES Argentina's Chairman Juan "Cana" San Martin spoke about his proprietary plug-in design for mixing, mastering and live sound. Lastly, Ivan Markovic gave a brief seminar about the different aspects of multi-track recording.
This was the second year in a row that AES Argentina took part in these Conferences organized by the University 'Nacional Tres de Febrero'. We look forward to joining them again next year.

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