
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - January 4, 2016

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Coming back from our Christmas break we held our first production meeting of 2016. We opened with the highlights of our break. Following that, Collin, Cras's AES president, talked about upcoming events for January. Some of the events include a grad panel, CRAS open house, and Fred Aldous(Fox Sports Head Engineer) coming to speak. After that, students pitched in ideas for new events like an anechoic chamber tour, Ronnie Lee & Luca Pretolesi coming to speak, and also a documentation clinic. 

At the conclusion of the meeting current CRAS AES President, Colin Willard (2015-6-12at), stepped down and passed on the torch to our new CRAS AES President - Daniel Stephenson II (2015-7-3pt). We also elected a New CRAS AES Secretary - Aidan Fletch (2015-10-16pg)

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AES - Audio Engineering Society