
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - November 6, 2014

Meeting Topic:

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Meeting Location:


Today's meeting we had one of our officers do a presentation on the Power of
Sound. Joseph Meyers is our AES chapter President and is now in 12th cycle in our
school's program.
He started out with giving us a generic background on what sound is and some
of the simplest things that emit frequencies that we don't even realize. He then
proceeded to go into depth on the connection between sound and emotions. Just a few
of the factors that link our brain with sounds that make us feel certain emotions are the
Thalamus which is associated with sleep, the Cerebellum which is associated with
learning, and the Hippocampus which is associated with memories. Episodic Memory is
also known as the "Darling their playing our tune" phenomenon, when a particular
sound or song strikes your memories. Cymatics are the study of visible sound. Four
categories of brain waves are Beta (everyday thoughts), Alpha (relaxed), Theta
(dreaming), Delta (dreamless sleep). How can you use all this to advance yourself?
Brain wave entrainment is a method that causes your brainwaves to create a pattern.
Binaural beats and isocronic tones are some ways you can do this. Binaural beats are
when two different frequencies are played into separate ears, causing them to get to
your brain at the same time and cancel out to a lower, beating frequency - it kind of like
hallucinating a sound. Isocronic tones are played in a regulated manor that are masked
with background sound. These can be used to enhance certain areas of yourself.
When he finished his presentation we had a Q&A and he provided us with links to
free tones to train our brains or just to check out the tones to see what the differences

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society