
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - May 8, 2013

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Today's AES meeting started off by Nicholas asking if anyone had any ideas for future meetings, and presented the option to all who were willing to do genre presentations for any standard AES meetings, (meeting that were not special assemblies such as build clinic etc..)or any type of presentation having to do with audio in any way. After the comments made by Nick about future meetings, Nicholas then presented his home brew guitar ampli?er he built out of a old radio. After Nicks presentation was ?nished, Jeff Harris came in and discussed his upcoming re-amp build clinic and discussed a possible future DI box build. He then proceeded to explain the principals by which both a DI box and a re-amp box were built upon (giving a little history lesson during the process), and some of the reasons it has been taking longer to make a solidi?ed date about when these builds would be held.Lastly Once Jeff had ?nished, we held an open forum about anything any attendees would like to talk about regarding audio and AES.

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More About Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences Section

AES - Audio Engineering Society