
AES Section Meeting Reports

Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences - December 12, 2012

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The re-Amp build was fully successful. I had a head count of 25 which was the sign up limit. We were able to kick things off on time at eight o'clock. The evening began with Jeff Harris giving us a little background of his career to make himself familiar with lower cycle students that were attending. After that he gave us all the rundown of the re-amp box. It was a bit of history on how the concept came to be followed by how it works and applications. To give it a little bit of atmosphere Cameron and I threw on some low volume music on Pandora on the club PA while everyone worked on their re-amp kits. Jeff took us through it step by step periodically helping and checking peoples work. It was a good time you could tell by the reactions on everyones faces. I also observed fellow student helping each other when Jeff was busy helping other students in need. Its good to see that kind of teamwork amongst students. There was also a lot of talk from students who seemed excited to use these re-amp boxes in different application when finished building. After Jeff did final inspections everyone had their re-amp boxes tested and not one was put together wrong. Jeff seemed to be very pleased with that fact. The whole thing took about two hours with presentation and actual building time. The last person finished at around 10 o'clock.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society