
New York AES Section Blog

Past Event: Audio Treasures Unearthed From the New York Philharmonic's Archives

Past Event: Audio Treasures Unearthed From the  New York Philharmonic's Archives

June 19, 2018 at 7:00 pm

Location: NYU Steinhardt, Music Tech Dept. 35 West 4th St., 6th floor

Moderated by: Robert Auld

Speaker(s): Barbara Haws, New York Philharmonic; Seth B. Winner, Audio Engineer

 Barbara Haws has been the N.Y. Philharmonic’s archivist for the past 34 years. During her tenure, four historic broadcast sets of the orchestra were produced and issued; two of them were nominated for a Grammy award. In 2012 Barbara commissioned Seth Winner to preserve a further series of live historic broadcasts, in a project which was funded by the Grammy Foundation. The first batch was done in 2014 and a second go-round has just been completed. This evening Barbara and Seth will discuss the importance of this project, as well as the intrigue involved in locating the sources to these legendary recordings.  Selected examples from the broadcasts will be played for the audience.


Posted: Monday, June 11, 2018

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