

AES Standard

AES27-1996 (s2012): AES recommended practice for forensic purposes — Managing recorded audio materials intended for examination

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1 record found.

AES27-1996 (s2012): AES recommended practice for forensic purposes -- Managing recorded audio materials intended for examination
Printing Date: 2008-02-05
Publication History: Pub. 1996; reaffirmed 2002, reaffirmed 2007; Stabilized 2012.
Abstract: This document specifies recommended practices for safekeeping, conveyance, inspection, description, and labeling of audio recordings offered as evidence in criminal investigations, in criminal or civil proceedings, or in other forensic applications. It does not cover analysis of magnetic tapes or other recording media for the purposes of authenticity determination, talker identification, copyright violation, enhancement of oral conversations or other signals, or otherwise characterizing signals recorded on such tapes. (9 pages)
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AES - Audio Engineering Society