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Any Song, Anytime, Anywhere

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[Feature] Audio history is examined to identify the seminal contributions to the digital audio revolution. Clues are discovered that could make it possible to discern the likely direction of digital audio engineering in the future.

JAES Volume 58 Issue 1/2 pp. 73-79; January 2010
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John G (Jay) McKnight

Comment posted March 6, 2010 @ 16:36:54 UTC (Comment permalink)

Kees Immink recently published a history of the technical side of digital audio engineering [1]. Journal readers interested in audio engineering would probably be interested in two related papers on the AES Historical Committee website:

"Digital Audio Engineering Standardization History at the AES" [2]: The history of the development of the AES digital audio standards, as given in the AES Journal minutes and reports of the Digital Audio Standards and Technical Committees between 1977 and 1984, and in Bart Locanthi's 1986 summary of the Committees' work.


"The Dawn of Commercial Digital Recording " [3], by Thomas Fine. Although wide-spread digital commercial recording is only about 30 years old, much mythology and many claims of "firsts" have sprung from the mists of time. This article seeks to set the record straight.

Jay McKnight, Chair Emeritus,
AES Historical Committee
Cupertino, CA US

[1] Kees Immink, "Any Song, Anytime, Anywhere", J AES V 58, Nr 1/2, pp 73...79, 2010-01/02.

[2] AES Historical Committee website, history-of-aes-digital-audio-eng-standardization

[3] Thomas Fine, "The Dawn of Commercial Digital Recording", ARSC Journal Vol 39, Nr 1, pp 1...17, 2008 Spring, online at

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