145th AES CONVENTION Engineering Brief EB01: Posters: Spatial Audio

AES New York 2018
Engineering Brief EB01

EB01 - Posters: Spatial Audio

Wednesday, October 17, 3:00 pm — 4:30 pm (Poster Area)

EB01-1 A Head-Related Transfer Function Database Consolidation Tool for High Variance Machine Learning AlgorithmsBenjamin Tsui, University of York - York, UK; Gavin Kearney, University of York - York, UK
Binaural based machine learning applications generally require a large number of HRTF (Head-Related Transfer Function) measurements. However, building an HRTF database from measurements of a large number of participants can be a time-consuming and tedious process. An alternative method is to combine the data from different existing databases to create a large training dataset. This is a significant challenge due to the large difference in measurement angles, filter size, normalization schemes, and sample rates inherent in different databases. Consequently, training of some machine learning algorithms can be cumbersome, requiring significant trial and error with different data and settings. To facilitate convenient preparation of datasets, this paper presents a Matlab-based tool that allows researchers to prepare and consolidate various HRTF datasets across different databases in a robust and fast manner. The tool is available online: https://github.com/Benjamin-Tsui/HRTF_preprocessing
Engineering Brief 451 (Download now)

EB01-2 SoundFields: A Mixed Reality Spatial Audio Game for Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderDaniel Johnston, University of York - York, UK; Hauke Egermann, University of York - York, UK; Gavin Kearney, University of York - York, UK
SoundFields is an interactive mixed reality experience developed for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The project aims to provide a technical intervention framework that has the potential to promote the improvement of joint attention, social interaction, and cognitive development through full-body interaction with virtual spatitalized auditory events. The SoundFields system is based in a 360-degree visual environment in which players can move freely around without the need for head mounted displays. By means of optical motion tracking, 3rd order ambisonic audio is transmitted wirelessly to headphones, reacting to head rotation and their position within the physical space.
Engineering Brief 452 (Download now)

EB01-3 Studio for Immersive Media Research and Production: Immersive Audio Lab at HAW HamburgPhilipp Kessling, HAW Hamburg, - Hamburg, Germany; Thomas Görne, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences - Hamburg, Germany
Spatial audio is becoming increasingly important in media production since the availability of adequate distribution channels and budget hardware for production and consumer side playback is increasing likewise. To not only provide a studio for the production of spatial audio content, but also accommodate research on immersive media, a novel facility has been implemented at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW). The “Immersive Audio Lab” comprises a 33.2 High Density Loudspeaker Array (HDLA) suitable for a diverse set of spatial audio coding formats including HOA, complemented with VR technology and a broadband tracking system.
Engineering Brief 453 (Download now)

EB01-4 Evaluation of Binaural Renderers in Virtual Reality Environments: Platform and ExamplesThomas Robotham, International Audio Laboratories Erlangen - Erlangen, Germany; Olli Rummukainen, Fraunhofer IIS - Erlangen, Germany; Jürgen Herre, International Audio Laboratories Erlangen - Erlangen, Germany; Fraunhofer IIS - Erlangen, Germany; Emanuël A. P. Habets, International Audio Laboratories Erlangen - Erlangen, Germany
One of the challenges of virtual reality technology is to provide convincing sensory information to users, to give the illusion of presence within the virtual environment. Audio-visual input combined with self-motion is a step beyond traditional cinematic content, whereby the audio renderer must accommodate a limitless number of potential user interactions and movements within an acoustic ?eld. In this e-Brief a framework for an online (real-time) 6 degrees-of-freedom evaluation platform is detailed. The platform allows psychoacoustic research and subjective testing of binaural audio renderers for virtual reality applications and ?nds application in the development of the MPEG-I Audio Standard.
Engineering Brief 454 (Download now)

EB01-5 Rapid HRTF Measurement in a Loudspeaker DomeNoé Philip Chevalier, HAW Hamburg - Hamburg, Germany; Piotr Majdak, Austrian Academy of Sciences - Vienna, Austria; Eva Wilk, University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg - Hamburg, Germany; Thomas Görne, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences - Hamburg, Germany
Spatial audio implementations with binaural playback benefit from personalized HRTF sets. Thus access to an efficient procedure for capturing individual Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTF) is beneficial for media production as well as for research and development in the ?eld. In the newly established Immersive Audio Lab at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences we implemented a fast HRTF measurement procedure in a 33-channel loudspeaker dome, utilizing the Multiple Exponential Sweep Method (MESM) introduced by Majdak, Balazs, and Laback [1]. One measurement of about 4 minutes results in a set of 289 discrete HRIRs, covering 360° in the horizontal plane and roughly -15°...90° elevation.
Engineering Brief 455 (Download now)

EB01-6 Survey of Media Device Ownership, Media Service Usage, and Group Media Consumption in UK HouseholdsCraig Cieciura, University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK; Russell Mason, University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK; Philip Coleman, University of Surrey - Guildford, Surrey, UK; Matthew Paradis, BBC Research and Development - London, UK
Homes contain a plethora of devices for audio-visual content consumption, which intelligent reproduction systems can exploit to give the best possible experience. To investigate media device ownership in the home, media service-types usage and solitary versus group audio/audio-visual media consumption, a survey of UK households with 1102 respondents was undertaken. The results suggest that there is already significant ownership of wireless and smart loudspeakers, as well as other interconnected devices containing loudspeakers such as smartphones and tablets. Questions on group media consumption suggest that the majority of listeners spend more time consuming media with others than alone, demonstrating an opportunity for systems that can adapt to varying audience requirements within the same environment.
Engineering Brief 456 (Download now)

EB01-7 A Perceptual Spectral Difference Model for Binaural SignalsCal Armstrong, University of York - York, UK; Thomas McKenzie, University of York - York, UK; Damian Murphy, University of York - York, UK; Gavin Kearney, University of York - York, UK
This paper presents a perception based model for calculating the difference between two binaural signals to more accurately represent the perceptual relevance of spectral differences. A basic spectral difference calculation, the difference between the fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) of two audio signals, is not an accurate metric for human perception as the auditory system differs greatly in sensitivity depending on relative amplitude, frequency, and temporal aspects. The presented model is evaluated through objective measures and comparison to the results of a previously published listening test.
Engineering Brief 457 (Download now)

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