144th AES CONVENTION Presenters: Davide Rocchesso

AES Milan 2018 Presenter or Author

Davide Rocchesso

Davide Rocchesso

Primary Affiliation: University of Palermo - Palermo, Italy

Davide Rocchesso received the Laurea in Ingegneria Elettronica degree from the Univ. of Padova, Italy in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree from the same university in 1996. In 1994 and 1995 he was visiting scholar at the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University. Since 1991 he had been collaborating with the Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (CSC) at the Univ. of Padova as a researcher and live-electronics designer. Between 1998 and 2006 he was with the Computer Science Department at the Univ. of Verona, Italy, as an Assistant and Associate Professor. Between 2006 and 2016 he had been with the Iuav Univ. of Venice, as Associate Professor. He is Full Professor at the Univ. of Palermo. He has been teaching several classes in the areas of sound processing, operating systems, computer graphics, interaction design, and programming. He taught classes at the graduate level at the Universities Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Catholic University of Porto, and at TKK in Helsinki.
D. Rocchesso has been President of the Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana (AIMI - Italian computer music association) and member of the AIMI board. He collaborated with composers for music productions and with companies for the design of digital musical instruments and for sonification projects. He has been the coordinator of project IST 2000-25287 (SOb - the Sounding Object), and local coordinator of the project NEST 29085 (CLOSED - Closing the Loop Of Sound Evaluation and Design) and of the Coordination Action IST-FET 2004-03773 (S2S^2 - Sound-to-Sense; Sense-to-Sound). He has been the Chair of the COST Action IC-0601 (SID - Sonic Interaction Design) and the Coordinator of the project FET n° 618067 (SkAT-VG - Sketching Audio Technologies using Vocalizations and Gestures). He is Associate Editor for the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

More Info: https://www.unipa.it/persone/docenti/r/davide.rocchesso

Session List

May 24: W09: The State of the Art in Sound Synthesis and Procedural Audio (Panelist)

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