143rd AES CONVENTION Presenters: Adrian Wisbey

AES New York 2017 Presenter or Author

Adrian Wisbey

Adrian Wisbey

Primary Affiliation: BBC Design and Engineering - London, UK

I started my career at the BBC as a trainee engineer working in radio. Over the years I have worked in technical support, major projects, and management. I left in 1995 and started up as an independent consultant working in the broadcast and high end audio-visual markets. In 2012 I worked on a project for on-line streaming where I quickly realised that audio quality was not being treated with the respect it deserved. Since then I have rejoined the BBC as their Audio Specialist in Media Services, responsible for delivering the best possible quality on-line for everyone.
I am an avid supporter of loudness based mixing and normalization and willingly give my time to the AES Technical Committee for Broadcast and On-line Delivery in support of these goals.

More Info: https://uk.linkedin.com/pub/adrian-wisbey/7/9b3/772

Session List

Oct 21: EB06: Spatial Audio
How Streaming Object Based Audio Might Work (Author)

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