AES San Francisco 2010
Game Audio Event G7

Friday, November 5, 4:15 pm — 5:15 pm (Room 120)

G7 - Audio Shorts—Sound Design

Randy Buck, Principal, The Sound Department - Austin, TX, USA
Charles Deenen, Senior Creative Director, Audio, Electronic Arts
Kristoffer Larson, Audio Manager, WB Games, Seattle, WA, USA
Marc Schaefgen, Principal/Owner, The Sound Department - Austin, TX, USA
Jay Weinland, Senior Audio Lead, Bungie Studios

Three mini sessions are presented by game audio dudes that guarantee you will walk away with cool new techniques. Twenty minutes each to serve up an in-depth look at topics in sound design that matter most to them. Q&A to follow.

Shorty #1:
Game Audio Sound Sourcing - What is special about gathering sonic source material for games as opposed to other media? Need for longer ambiences (streams can be up to 5 minutes or more), more variation, more mic perspectives, components rather than complex events.

Shorty #2:
The Loop Trick and More - How to create seamless loops of any length and the best way to approach sound design for looping material. And, to loop or not to loop? That is always the question when it comes to rapid fire weapons. Learn a few techniques that go beyond the loop.

Shorty #3:
My Favorite Plugin! - Three speakers from other sessions will talk about their current favorite plug-in, why they love it so much, and how they use and or abuse it.

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