AES London 2010
Workshop W7

Sunday, May 23, 16:00 — 19:00 (Room C6)

W7 - The Work of Forensic Speech and Audio Analysts

Peter French, JP French Associates, University of York
Philip Harrison, JP French Associates, University of York

This workshop provides an illustrated introduction to the various categories of work carried out by forensic speech and audio analysts. In attempting to convey the variety, scope, and flavor of the work, methodological issues, principles, and developments are discussed in respect of key areas of forensic investigation. These include speaker profiling, the analysis of recordings of criminal speech samples in order to assemble a profile of regional, social, ethnic and other information concerning speakers; speaker comparison testing, the comparison of recorded voice samples using auditory-phonetic and acoustic methods as well as automatic systems to assist with identification; content analysis, the use of phonetic and acoustic techniques to decipher contentious areas of evidential recordings; procedures for evaluating ear-witness testimony; sound propagation testing, the reconstructions of crime scenes and the measurement of sound from given points across distances to assess what might have been heard by witness in various positions; recording authentication, the examination of evidential recordings for signs of tampering or falsification. Some of the points developed are exemplified by recordings and analyses arising from important and high profile criminal cases. The presentation will be followed by a discussion session where questions and points are invited from those attending.