Advance Registration Has Ended

The advance registration deadline was October 7, 2009. You can still register onsite at the Javits during Registration Desk hours:
          October 8 - 3pm-7pm
          October 9 - 8am-6pm
          October 10 - 8am-6pm
          October 11 - 8am-6pm
          October 12 - 8am-4pm

On-site Registration Prices

Registration Fees

AES Members & Associates


AES Student Members

Member Pricing

To receive the above member prices you can join the AES today.



Non-Member Students

Single-day Full Program passes and tickets for single sessions will be sold on-site. (View prices)

A "Full Program" badge gives you access to all the events except for the Surround Live Symposium and the Technical Tours. An "Exhibits Only" badge will only get you into a few select events.