

Links to Other Historical Sites: Organizations and Institutions, Manufacturers, etc.

These links are to sites primarily concerned with stories of the events, inventions, people, organizations, and companies involved in Audio Engineering.

These links are provided as a service to users of the AES Historical Committee web page. Listing here is not to be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of any of the organizations or vendors listed. The AES Historical Committee makes no representations regarding these links. Listing is strictly alphabetical within each section.

Organizations, etc., are located in the United States unless otherwise noted.

Links updated 2002-06-20  jm
Links updated 2002-11-05  hcs

Organizations and Institutions



Unofficial Web Pages about Particular Manufacturers or Subjects

Schematics and Other Technical Documentation

  • Technician's Filing Cabinet (links to schematics for consumer and professional audio, ham radio, transformers, military electronics, test equipment, and old radios)

The Cylinder and 78 rpm Period

The LP Period


Know of a site that belongs on this list? Email the webmaster with the URL.

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AES - Audio Engineering Society